Have a great day … in reverse!
Not to be confused with National Opposite Day, International Left Hander’s Day, or Pineapple Upside Down Cake Day, National Backwards Day celebrates doing everyday things a little differently. Go out the “In” door. Say “Goodbye” instead of “Hello.” Confuse your friends and confound your rivals (or visa versa).
Are you looking for something a little more “normal” to do on National Backwards Day?
So, wearing your clothes backwards for the day may attract some unwanted attention (it’s hard for some clients to play along)? I suggest binging JEOPARDY! – the gameshow institution that gives you the answer and then asks contestants to provide the question.
That’s kind of backwards, right?
Not into gameshows? Then here’s a selection of tunes from a much larger playlist of music with backwards passages in them (referred to as “backmasked messages”) for your listening “tnemyojne”:
- “Free as a Bird” – by the Beatles
- “Stormbringer” – Deep Purple
- “Rocket” – Def Leopard
- “Fire on High” – Electric Light Orchestra (ELO)
- “Stimulate” – Eminem
- “Still Life” – Iron Maiden
- “Love Bites” – Judas Priest
- “Tourniquet” – Marilyn Manson
- “Black Holes” – Bob and Doug McKenzie (eh)
- “D’You Know What I Mean?” – Oasis
- “Empty Spaces” – Pink Floyd
- “Darling Nikki” – Prince
- “Piggy in the Middle” – The Ruttles
- “I’ll Sink Manhattan” – They Might Be Giants
- “Perfect Sense, Part I” – Roger Waters
- “Hot Poop” – Frank Zappa