Bruce Willis as John McLean, a NYC cop with a bad habit of walking into situations at the wrong time. From the epic Christmas film, DIE HARD (1988).
This is the first post of many in my personal blog: Open Mike. Every day during the week, and sometimes on weekends, I will be putting my thoughts and observations on the world around us down in writing.
I’ve been encouraged to do this by others. But I’d be disingenuous if I didn’t admit that the thought of doing this has been on my mind for quite a while.
It all got serious after my accident last October. I was laying in the hospital bed thinking about the months of rehabilitation work ahead of me, and I was wondering how different my life was going to be when I finally left the hospital. It was at that point I decided to make a few changes and try to live a better life.
This blog is part of that effort.
I have always tried to be a kind person, and my intention to live into that has only grown since my fall. But just because I’m kind, that doesn’t mean, I can’t be occasionally snarky, or a bit sarcastic. That’s just as important, a part of my nature as anything else.
So I hope you’ll join me on this riding adventure. There will be times when it’s probably a bit melodramatic even when I’m trying to be Earnest. Not all of the jokes will land. Not all of the points will be made.
But it will be a journal of what’s on my mind. And you’re welcome to weigh in with your thoughts.
Comments on every post we open for two weeks after the post goes live. If you see your read some thing on my blog that you want to comment about after that, feel free to send me an email using the contact form on the site.
I intend to allow people to see what’s on their mind in response to posts I in response to comments left by other participants in the conversations that result. But I do expect everyone to be kind and respectful.
Spammers, trolls, and other social media terrorists are not welcome. As for everyone else, you’re welcome to participate in the open bar on the ninth floor of Nakatomi Plaza.
As the indomitable John McLean says in the epic 1988 Christmas film, DIE HARD: “Welcome to the party, pal.”